Kuala Lumpur Butterfly Park


City: Kuala Lumpur
Country: Malaysia
Province: Federal Territory
Opend 1994

Species 120 

Let several hundred butterflies fly around your head.

Last visitet 2023




Kuala Lumpur Butterfly Park
Jalan Cenderasari
Taman Tasik Perdana
50480 Kuala Lumpur



Phone: 603-269-34799



Open minimum April to October 9am-6pm




  • Adult 30,- MYR
  • Child 18,- MYR
The dimensions of this hobby took on forms that resulted in the small apartment to no longer tolerable conditions. We searched a lot outside of Hamburg, which offered in addition to the house, the possibilities for a greenhouse for the butterflies. The land was found and implemented the project. After a few years, the next problem was enough space and facilities, only the professional devoured most of the time. Logically, the next step was the conversion of the hobby into a profession. The first result was the Butterfly Park in Buchholz North Heath. In 1992, a second butterfly park at the edge of Uslar was compared with an indoor swimming pool planned, constructed and put into operation in 1993 at the suggestion of the Deputy Town Clerk of the city Uslar.
After paying the entrance fee you walk in to a large green paradise with plenty of colourful butterflies flying around your head. This is the worlds largest butterfly garden. In the middle of it is a large  lake with Koi. Near the exit we find a few aquariums gold fishamong others. When you exit you can see in interesting insect museum with many hundred different types butterflies among others. But the terrarium section mostly has other insects..

DE: Dies ist der grösste Schmetterlingsgarten der Welt.  Hunderte Schmetterlinge fliegen um diene Ohren. Um einen kleinen einblick in den Artenreichtum der Insekten zu findet gibt es auch ein Insektenmuseum

DK: Dette er vedens største sommerfuglepark. I hundredvis af sommerfugle flyver omkring dine ører. For at vises et lille udsnit ad artsmangfoldighen bland insekter er der et insektmuseum
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